Correction? Generic gold moving up faster.

A strange correction this week. Gold down $47/oz and most of the gold issues are up once again. My favorite, Type $1's in MS64 finally took a 10% hike to $1180 and you still can't find any in quantity. They will eventually reach $1500 within 6 months. At $950 last fall they were a give-away. I had one guy who was been looking for me and in 6 months I think he found me all of 3 pieces.
Other than $20 LIbs in MS63 falling a whopping $10, and $3's falling in 63 and 64......most everything else went up or held. I liked the value in $5 Libs and they are continuing to track down the more popular $10's. $5 LIbs in MS65 up 3% this week to $4080. They went begging at $3000-3200 last fall. They will eventually hit the $5K mark to catch up with the $10's.
MS64 gold appears to be quite in demand. One gold wholesaler I know indicates he has large orders to fill for anything gold MS62 to MS66. No correction yet here guys.
Other than $20 LIbs in MS63 falling a whopping $10, and $3's falling in 63 and 64......most everything else went up or held. I liked the value in $5 Libs and they are continuing to track down the more popular $10's. $5 LIbs in MS65 up 3% this week to $4080. They went begging at $3000-3200 last fall. They will eventually hit the $5K mark to catch up with the $10's.
MS64 gold appears to be quite in demand. One gold wholesaler I know indicates he has large orders to fill for anything gold MS62 to MS66. No correction yet here guys.
The DOW falls 200 points (2%) and all the chickens are up and fluttering.
Isn't that silly? As if a week makes a market...well maybe if you believe the newsmedia.