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About paypal....

Has any one noticed that you can send someone a complete refund, but if they just over pay on shipping you can't refund just the shipping, without getting the fees retracked that you aquired and then your customer also gets charged a fee when you send the money back. Now I know you can send them a complete refund, and explain what happened and have them repay you but what a pain for them and me. As a customer which you prefer just the shipping refund and eat the fee which is usually small really or would you rather have the seller send the complete refund and repay?

I know its not a big thing I'm just wondering which would be prefered.

I would like to see paypal make a change so you can send a shipping refund and not have the customer charged.


  • DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭
    I usually just send the refund along with the purchase, especially if it's only a couple of dollars. If I have something fun like Kennedys or SBA's, I'll use those for the refund. It's way easier and people seem to enjoy it.
  • You can do this -- you just issue a partial refund. You specify the amount that you want refunded, and PayPal will credit you a portion of the fee. For example, if you want to refund $2, PayPal would end up taking $1.94 from your account (essentially refunding you 6 cents of the fee).
  • Thanks for the idea's!

  • TrinkettsTrinketts Posts: 1,699
    There is also a way to pay refund by paying using the Quasi(spelling) cash feature...
    Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about. -Benjamin Franklin-
  • Does Quasi cash avoid a fee though?

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