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Momentous new acquisition

Finally got my 1890 Lorin Parmell catalog after 4 years worth of looking. Interesting, since Andy posted asking for which numismatic literature we were all looking for and I listed this here not 1 week ago.


  • PistareenPistareen Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭
    Plated, or one of those unplated copies that chumps like me have?

    Oh yeah, correct your spelling -- Lorin Parmelee. I had a heart attack when I misspelled his name in the description of the Strawberry Leaf cent. With a last name like Kraljevich, I felt Mr. Parmelee's pain.

    Parmelee had such an appetite for coins that many of the finest sales of the late 19th century were actually collections he bought intact, extracted a few coins out of, and then sold at auction with the old owner's name. Sort of like if Mrs. Norweb owned the Garrett and Eliasberg collections, yanked a few neat things out, and sent the rest on their way.

    Oh yeah, he could also make a mean barrel of baked beans. Or a train car full!
  • ColonialCoinUnionColonialCoinUnion Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭
    I swear I typed Parmelee, but this frickin' computer is on the fritz.

    Its plated.
  • RegulatedRegulated Posts: 2,992 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Will you show it to us at Long Beach??

    What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,631 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats. While originals are a dandy thing to own, I bought the Parmelee reprint w/plates. I think in terms of "information content per dollar" when it come to numismatic literature.

    For some reason though, I abhor modern replicas of classic coins.

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