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Coinstar dropped fee if you get a gift card.

I just saw this online. Announced through an instant win type contest. If you get a gift card to Amazon or other places, no fee.
For those whos bank doesn't have a free coin counter, this is better than giving coinstar 9%.
You roll searchers know what I'm talking about. It stinks to re-roll everything.
Link to coinstar
There are some neat coin sculpture pics when you play. I didn't win squat though.
collections: Maryland related coins & exonumia, 7070 Type set, and Video Arcade Tokens.
The Low Budget Y2K Registry Set


  • They're "coin"ting on non-redemptions to recoup their margin. Its a nice savings, but geez I hate those cards.. image
    What do you think, Mr. Bigglesworth?
  • MrSpudMrSpud Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭
    I just played it twice, didn't win neither image
  • No go....but thanks for posting as it was worth a shotimage
  • xbobxbob Posts: 1,979
    BTW, I noticed that they upgraded their machines. I have yet to find any rejected silver or wheat cents in the coin returns of the new ones. I guess they caught on. Heck, they probably still separate them.. but on the inside so they can ship 'em off to a bulk dealer. No fun!
    collections: Maryland related coins & exonumia, 7070 Type set, and Video Arcade Tokens.
    The Low Budget Y2K Registry Set
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    I've done this twice so far with a CoinStar machine -- got an Amazon.com gift "card" (actually just a piece of paper). I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon, so it was a no-brainer. Both times the codes worked flawlessly. Definitely beats counting the coins, and saves me a trip to the casino.

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