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How can you see a Ebay members location?

I am trying to detect shill bidding on a non-coin related item, but I knew you folks would have the answer. If they have never sold anything, how can you determing the member's location?By location I don't mean physical address; just a city would be good enough.

As far as I know you can only see location on a seller's item listing. Am I wrong?


  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    Closest you can get without bidding on something is their country. There is an "Item Location" field on their auctions, but that is filled in by the user, and can say anything they want, so it's thoroughly unreliable.

    If you can somehow enter into a transaction with the suspect, you can do a request member identification on them and get all the details.

  • << <i>Closest you can get without bidding on something is their country. There is an "Item Location" field on their auctions, but that is filled in by the user, and can say anything they want, so it's thoroughly unreliable.

    If you can somehow enter into a transaction with the suspect, you can do a request member identification on them and get all the details. >>

    Thanks. There are three bidders I suspect are shills, and one I'm almost certain of.

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