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Well, I guess it was my turn. I just got a call from PayPal.

RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
Opened a new seller account in March for selling general merchandise stuff. They called to make sure it's really me. Didn't ask me to send them anything. Didn't ask for any personal information.

Russ, NCNE


  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    It does seem that eBay/PayPal is running some sort of intensive security sweep. I can see how folk like frankcoins and legend get jammed up about it, but ultimately I can't help feeling that it's a Good Thing. Certainly everyone on this board has been calling on eBay to get their security act together.
  • eyoung429eyoung429 Posts: 6,374
    Shhhhh.....it's a top secret military ops government deal.......... If you complain about ebay, they will getcha!!!!
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    nothing meant on a personal level, but there are constant pleas from members to do something about eBay, to clean things up. perhaps they aren't cleaning up what we each thinks needs to go to the laundry, but it's still strange that there would be any complaint about security.
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,395 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You can be fairly certain that eBay has come to the conclusion that the scam artists are hurting their revenue.

    This is why they are acting.
    All glory is fleeting.
  • Hey, just be glad they didn't put your account on hold, keep all your funds tied up and not tell you anything like they did to me and thousands of others a few years ago. I had to open an account in my wife's name just to stay afloat. Finally, they released my account, no explanation or anything. Then about a year ago there was a class action suit about it and they said I could have some money if I proved I lost business because of the freeze. Since I sold under my wife's account, well, she sold, I had not lost anything. But it was a bear getting the account reinstated.

    I am GLAD they are checking people out to make sure they are legit. There are to many non-legit PayPal and eBay accounts running around out there.

    I have been a collector for over mumbly-five years. I learn something new every day.
  • a039a039 Posts: 1,546
    I got one of those calls with the 800#. I was thinking that may be a way of checking your contact info in a 'soft' way...
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165

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