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FS vs. NON-FS Have PCGS Standards Changed???

GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,602 ✭✭✭✭✭

I asked you this question a couple of months ago and you replied that PCGS Standards had not changed for attributing FULL STEPS on a Jefferson Nickel. I had a specific reason for asking that question. I have a problem. I have a 1964-P Nickel. I have sent it in 5 times for grading. It originally graded MS65FS. I showed the coin to a couple of my friends who are 2 of the Top Nickel guys in the registry and we all agreed it should be a MS66FS. They even tried to get me to sell it to them. So I crached it out and it came back MS66 but NO FULL STEP. So I tried it again, it graded MS65FS, so I cracked it and tried it again, MS66 but NO FS. So this last time I sent the coin in for designation review and I just got grades the other day and it remained as MS66 NON FULL STEP.

Submission number is 3439160. -------- sent in under "Designation Review"

To recap the coin graded as follows:

#1 - MS65FS
#2 - MS66
#3 - MS65FS
#4 - MS66
#5 - MS66 This was the "Designation Review" submission listed above

I have the first (3) certs & will have the 5th one when the coin comes back to me. I don't have #4 as it was sent in the holder with the coin under the "Designation Review" submission.

You told me standards haven't changed but the coin graded FULL STEP twice, why not when I got the MS66 grade?

I realize that the coin increases in value substantially from MS65FS to MS66FS, also it lost alot of value going from MS65FS to MS66.

My question is if the coin was graded FULL STEP (2) seperate times why can't I get the FULL STEP label when it goes to the MS66 grade. I have the certs and would be happy to send them and the coin to you personally if you would care to look at it.

You don't have to post this on the Q & A Forum if you don't want to. I personal reply would be fine.

Thanks, GARY D HOOP e-mail gdhoop@lightbound.com

AKA GrandAm on your Forum
GrandAm :)


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭

    Sounds like the coin is right on the "full step" line.

    I might also be on the 65/66 line.

    The grades actaully make sense if you think about it.



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