Home Metal Detecting

Here are some of my recent finds...

I made it out for about 4 hours. I hit a spot that I think is an old "half breed" house or Indian trade area, maybe even a camp. I have found some interesting stuff here, I think it predates the civil war.


The item at the top is a ram rod guide. Other items of note are 3 catholic medals, small buckel and a nice quarter size flat button. I like finding the flat buttons


  • Cool finds IHM image
    Those are fun places to hunt... any modern trash at the site?
  • Nice relics IHM!

    Cool another ramrod guide! Doesn't appear to have faired as well as your last one but a cool find none the less.

    Nice button!

    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • Some cool looking buttons.

  • Thanks guys!!

    There is some modern trash, but not alot. I try to find places that don't have alot.

  • << There is some modern trash, but not alot. >>

    Gotta love those places... every signal is exciting!
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