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Lots of fun selling off my cheap duplicates

ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
Yesterday I decided that I finally had enough free time this weekend to sell off a bunch of duplicate coins which weren't doing me much good. I regularly sell off better duplicates soon after I have upgraded, but this weekend decided to do something about my worst Barber coins. Naturally, eBay was my dumping grounds of choice.

Before I took a look here, full of Legend's advice that now's the time to sell duplicates, I got a bit carried away taking a close look at coins I had ignored for a few years. (I think my duplicates are off the radar for dealers like Legend, and have more to do with the melt value of silver than with the trends of investor coins and scarce certified coins). The hours I spent scanning in worn, damaged and/or cleaned Barber quarters were more fun and educational after reading forum members' opinions on grading and sharp observations about small problems in expensive coins. Heck, I even got to practice assigning grades with decimal points to my Barbers that graded less than good. (I still maintain that not all AG or Fair coins should be given the same single digit).

At the risk of being chided for not posting this on the BST forum, I invite you to see the fun I had writing this one. A dealer would not do this, but I wanted to show you how I spent much of the day enjoying old U.S. coins. I don't think that my careful look at my worst old coins was a waste of time. If I ever get in the position to buy a 1901-S quarter, I will know which AG coin is high end for the grade. I learned that the letter Y in LIBERTY is still visible on an AG 3.5 Barber, as is some of the T.

"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor


  • It does look like you had fun with those crusty old coins - I've never seen decimal point grading used at
    that end of the scale before! Makes sense to me, especially when trying to sort out one AG 01-S from
    another. image


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