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I won't buy on Ebay from any seller that only accepts PayPal

I can't, because I don't wish to use PayPal. Luckily, I've never gotten burned paying with checks/money orders. Actually, it probably has more to to with sticking with good sellers than luck. But anyway, I really hate that....you see something you want, and the seller only takes PayPal. Why would sellers want to shut out potential buyers? A while back, I contacted a PayPal-only seller to see if he would accept a money order, and the guy got really snippy with me. So now, I just pass those auctions over. This is not merely a spoof of the other thread, but a serious question.


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Why would sellers want to shut out potential buyers? >>

    Laziness? Afterall, it's such a hassle to make bank deposits.

    Russ, NCNE
  • OffMetalOffMetal Posts: 1,684
    I won't either. Not only because I don't have Paypal, I feel it unsafe.

    I hate PayPal. You don't know how many things I just simply LOVE but just had to pass because they only accept PayPal.

    I personally pay ONLY by money orders. Because it is easier than personal checks, PLUS it's only 29 cents at my Albertsons down the street!!

    I fully agree with Xpipe.

    Edited to add:

    <<Laziness? Afterall, it's such a hassle to make bank deposits.>>

    I personally would make a run to deposit a $8 check/money order than getting charged by PayPal.
    -Ben T. * Collector of Errors! * Proud member of the CUFYNA
  • I try to not use Paypal unless it is absolutely necessary. I hate those Baturds!

  • << <i>I can't, because I don't wish to use PayPal. Luckily, I've never gotten burned paying with checks/money orders. Actually, it probably has more to to with sticking with good sellers than luck. But anyway, I really hate that....you see something you want, and the seller only takes PayPal. Why would sellers want to shut out potential buyers? A while back, I contacted a PayPal-only seller to see if he would accept a money order, and the guy got really snippy with me. So now, I just pass those auctions over. This is not merely a spoof of the other thread, but a serious question. >>

    This is coin related in what respect???image
  • XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭

    << <i>This is coin related in what respect???image >>

  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    my first time selling, and the buyer is sending a money order.
    sweet, more money for me! buyers understand it delays things
    a bit, but they have patience.
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,371 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You really need to check a seller's/buyer's feedback and also how long he has been on eBay. Being too restrictive can cost a seller money.
    All glory is fleeting.
  • stev32kstev32k Posts: 2,098 ✭✭✭
    I like paypal when I'm buying, but I don't like it when selling. I understand that they can't offer their services for free, but 3% seems excessive. With the volume of transactions they process their profits must be approaching windfall status.

    On the other hand I like being able to pay for an item using a credit card. My card company is very good about taking my side in a dispute and I've had to use them twice to get my money back when an item was grossly misrepresented. Paypal was giving me the run-around, but the CC company reversed the charge quickly. I got a nasty gram from paypal threating to close my account, but even after doing the same thing about two months later I never heard another word from them.
    Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard drive?
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I understand that they can't offer their services for free, but 3% seems excessive. With the volume of transactions they process their profits must be approaching windfall status. >>

    Most buyers use plastic, and they have to pay the CC fees out of their 3% so it isn't as much of a "windfall" as it appears. In fact, after paying the CC fees and operating costs I'd be surprised if they net much at all. They were losing money by the truckload when eBay acquired them.

    Russ, NCNE
  • pharmerpharmer Posts: 8,355

    << <i>

    << <i>I can't, because I don't wish to use PayPal. Luckily, I've never gotten burned paying with checks/money orders. Actually, it probably has more to to with sticking with good sellers than luck. But anyway, I really hate that....you see something you want, and the seller only takes PayPal. Why would sellers want to shut out potential buyers? A while back, I contacted a PayPal-only seller to see if he would accept a money order, and the guy got really snippy with me. So now, I just pass those auctions over. This is not merely a spoof of the other thread, but a serious question. >>

    This is coin related in what respect???image >>

    Isn't there a nascar race on or something else for you to do? If you hate ebay threads so much, stop opening and replying to themimage
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,093 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Most buyers use plastic, and they have to pay the CC fees out of their 3% so it isn't as much of a "windfall" as it appears. >>

    The more biz that PP runs thru the CC companies the lower the fees are. echecks are still a flat $5 fee are they not. 3% for transferring from one existing account to another is the excessive part IMO. A half percent ought to be sufficient. I like the benefits of a CC if I pay with it but I don't like those same advantages potentially being used against me if I accept it.
  • I only take paypal when I sell something on ebay, the reason being is that I have no car, and the nearest bank branch is a major hassle to get to. If someone is really nice, and messages me, I will accomodate them as such. As much as I hate paypal, I have to use it.
    Truth is Beauty
    Beauty truth,
    that is all ye know on earth
    and all ye need know
  • ttownttown Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    Paypal doesn't charge the buyer so I don't know why not. PayPal does have it's flaws but you can put in on your CC and be safe or out of your checking. I wish you luck on Ebay if you just write a checkimage

    I won't buy if they don't and unlike some here you can get better deals if they don't take PayPal but it's a risk/reward thing too. I see so many sellers losing all kinds of money over a 2.9% fee, they usually pay for it on their auctions. You sound like my mother she won't use a CC on any internet site not even one like Amazon.com.image

    Just keep in mind a Money Order or Bank Check can be bad too and it's very easy so don't just think PayPal has it's flaws.

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I can't, because I don't wish to use PayPal. Luckily, I've never gotten burned paying with checks/money orders. Actually, it probably has more to to with sticking with good sellers than luck. But anyway, I really hate that....you see something you want, and the seller only takes PayPal. Why would sellers want to shut out potential buyers? A while back, I contacted a PayPal-only seller to see if he would accept a money order, and the guy got really snippy with me. So now, I just pass those auctions over. This is not merely a spoof of the other thread, but a serious question. >>

    This is coin related in what respect???image >>

    Isn't there a nascar race on or something else for you to do? If you hate ebay threads so much, stop opening and replying to themimage >>

    Which part of NOT COIN RELATED do you fail to understand???
  • MyqqyMyqqy Posts: 9,777
    I feel a little ashamed, but I love using paypal........
    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !
  • thisnamztakenthisnamztaken Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I can't, because I don't wish to use PayPal. Luckily, I've never gotten burned paying with checks/money orders. Actually, it probably has more to to with sticking with good sellers than luck. But anyway, I really hate that....you see something you want, and the seller only takes PayPal. Why would sellers want to shut out potential buyers? A while back, I contacted a PayPal-only seller to see if he would accept a money order, and the guy got really snippy with me. So now, I just pass those auctions over. This is not merely a spoof of the other thread, but a serious question. >>

    I personally feel just the opposite; I hate it when they don't accept PayPal!! It's very convenient for me as a buyer to just pay immediately with PayPal, and PayPal sellers (usually) mail your item out within a couple of days when you pay that way! No muss, no fuss!

    Since I'm not a big-time "power-seller", I don't mind paying PayPal's fee for the small amount of items I sell, and I consider their charges reasonable for the convenient service they're providing me! image
    I never thought that growing old would happen so fast.
    - Jim

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