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Ever seen this in a proof set?

I looked though all of mine today (see my other post). This one was unique. I got all excited when I saw it.


Got less excited when I looked at the back and realized that the Kennedy half is not minted wrong, it's just in the holder upside down.

How common is this? I only have one this way, out of several dozen that I looked at.


  • OldgrumpOldgrump Posts: 119 ✭✭
    Its a first for me! I've seen some that had some sort of rotation on a coin or 2 but never 180 deg. Are you certain that the holder hasn't been tampered with? It is kinda of neat but I don't think it would command much of a premium above normal sellimg priceimage
  • MyqqyMyqqy Posts: 9,777
    I haven't seen an example quite like that........ but I'm not that excited about it..... image
    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !
  • 21Walker21Walker Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭
    If don't look like UNC, it probrably isn't UNC.....U.S. Coast Guard. Chief Petty Officer (Retired) (1970-1990)

    EBAY Items
  • 21Walker21Walker Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭
    If don't look like UNC, it probrably isn't UNC.....U.S. Coast Guard. Chief Petty Officer (Retired) (1970-1990)

    EBAY Items

  • << <i>Its a first for me! I've seen some that had some sort of rotation on a coin or 2 but never 180 deg. Are you certain that the holder hasn't been tampered with? It is kinda of neat but I don't think it would command much of a premium above normal sellimg priceimage
    Steve >>

    I seriously doubt it's been tampered with. It belonged to my grandfather, and he bought it new from the mint. It was in the shipping box from the mint along with 4 other sets, they were all "normal".

    I was really hoping the coin was minted wrong when I saw it. I will hype it up big time when it hits eBay, you can be sure... image
  • 21Walker21Walker Posts: 1,762 ✭✭✭
    Yep, seen this before, But once you take it out of the holder,...............What have you got.................Rick

    buy the coin not the holder...............
    If don't look like UNC, it probrably isn't UNC.....U.S. Coast Guard. Chief Petty Officer (Retired) (1970-1990)

    EBAY Items
  • cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It just shows poor quality control on the Mints part.

    I would've sent it back for a replacement.
    Many happy BST transactions
  • Well, I think I found my answer. Check this out. He actually got LESS for his set than most "correct" 1980 proof sets seem to be going for.

    Typical for my luck...
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,670 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would think that any coin that's a little loose in the set would rotate if put in a paint shaker.

    Tempus fugit.
  • is it 180 degrees, or is it just spun in the holder?
  • It was just put into the holder upside down is all. A joke played by some hourly worker at the mint, I'd guess...

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