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Clad Quarter 1965 Doubled Die?? Pics inside.

IGWT from 2 different coins, not doubled on date and only partial on liberty but strong in IGWT, and idea what variety it is, doesn't look stike doubled to me, I pulled several from a roll along with other coins??







  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,670 ✭✭✭✭✭
    From the picture it looks like it's probably mechanical doubling but it's difficult to be certain. It is most
    assuredly not the famous '65 DDO which is rare. That one has the doubling to the north and is a much
    wider spread. I believe there's a second DDO but can't find any records of it. As I remember it the doub-
    ling is to the west and is type 1 doubling.

    Maybe some more pictures without the glare would be more conclusive.
    Tempus fugit.
  • I need to get better pics to see if I can get some serrifs, I will work on it. Thanks Clad

  • koynekwestkoynekwest Posts: 10,048 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like machine doubling to me. There are two known doubled die obverse 1965 quarters-one is a Class IV and I believe the other is a Class V. Both are much stronger than the coin you picture and both are true hub doubled coins.
  • richbeatrichbeat Posts: 2,288
    I don't see anything other than machine doubling. image
  • problem is the doubling is not shelfish, but rounded which is why I am thinking DDO, maybe a new variety, but need better piscks of the serfis.

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