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Do You Like My New Toned Morgan?

My first non-gold purchase in a while...



  • ledzep87ledzep87 Posts: 1,108 ✭✭✭
    In my opinion, no. The toning on the obverse looks odd.....and what apppears to be a fingerprint on the reverse? However, I DO like the details and lack of major nicks and scratches!
    Great transaction with: Relaxn, Collectorcoins, OKCC
  • TonedCoinTraderTonedCoinTrader Posts: 2,765 ✭✭✭
    Nice! I like Toned GSA CC's image

    Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
  • There are actually some nice "greens" in there that I wasn't able to capture. The reverse doesn't have a fingerprint, but does have some light brown toning that I don't really like...
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭
    What was your lighting setup? I usually focus the light source up to the edge of the coin so there is no reflection. In my case the light is not directly on the coin so I need to bump up the exposure a little to compensate.

    edited: forgot to mention I do like the color, I like them a little crusty with hints of color.
  • CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    I think it looks a little charming. Once your lighting is right, it will probably come across nicer.
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  • I like the details of the coin, and the toning (IMHO) looks natural, but it also looks splotchy and dark, rather than having texture and color. Nice coin, though. image
    If you haven't noticed, I'm single and miserable and I've got four albums of bitching about it that I would offer as proof.

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