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Does anybody actually read the Heritage coin news e-mail?

In the recent e-mail titled"The Whittier Collection of Latin American Coinage", Under Numismatic Glossary, I think their definition of "patina" is a bit flawed.

Patina: (1) Term referring to the first US coinage, often before types became well-established. For the most part it refers to types that were being minted in the 18th Century, although in the case of Quarter Eagles and Half Eagles the definition extends to any type minted before the Classic Head series began in 1834.
(2) When you should place an Internet auction bid on Heritage Auctions. See #4 above.

For clarity, (2) references tips for new bidders. Tip #4 reads:

Bid early. Your frustration level increases the closer you are to the end of an auction when you place your bid. If you know what you are willing to pay for something, bid it early. The earliest bid always wins tiebreakers, and because your maximum bid is secret, your bid will work against all other bidders until and unless someone beats it.

Neither definition is even remotely close to what patina really means.


  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    i am confused also.

    does not patina have to do with the coloring of something?
    does it have a shine, or absorbs light.. all those factors play
    into the "patina" of a coin?

    i hope.
  • TheRavenTheRaven Posts: 4,143 ✭✭✭✭
    I looked at it, pretty pictures, no reading then deleted it
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  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭

  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    << <i>Patina: (1) Term referring to the first US coinage, often before types became well-established. For the most part it refers to types that were being minted in the 18th Century, although in the case of Quarter Eagles and Half Eagles the definition extends to any type minted before the Classic Head series began in 1834. >>

    I guess the better question is, does Heritage read them? image
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  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,781 ✭✭✭✭
    This definition makes no sense.

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  • GeminiGemini Posts: 3,085
    According to Frey's Numismatic Dictionary - patina is an oxidation producded by certain soils and misture upon copper coins. This oxidation takes on a black, brown, red, blue, or green color, according to the materials which have affected the surface of the coins.... I myself think that using patina to describe anything but copper is eroneous and not proper. But we have been calling American Natives Indians for hundreds of years so what do I know...hmmm I guess there's no patent on patina... image
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  • swhuckswhuck Posts: 546 ✭✭✭
    Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

    The word we were attempting to define was "Early", and this week's definition for last week's term snuck through without my catching it. We've changed it for the historical version of the Coin News on the website, but you're right -- that's a pretty good blooper.

    I'll run a corrected version this week.

    Stewart Huckaby
    Heritage Auctions
    Heritage Auctions

    2801 W. Airport Freeway

    Dallas, Texas 75261

    Phone: 1-800-US-COINS, x1355
    Heritage Auctions
  • swhuckswhuck Posts: 546 ✭✭✭
    Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

    The word we were attempting to define was "Early", and this week's definition for last week's term snuck through without my catching it. We've changed it for the historical version of the Coin News on the website, but you're right -- that's a pretty good blooper.

    I'll run a corrected version this week.

    Stewart Huckaby
    Heritage Auctions
    Heritage Auctions

    2801 W. Airport Freeway

    Dallas, Texas 75261

    Phone: 1-800-US-COINS, x1355
    Heritage Auctions

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