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I.D. Help please..?

I found this in a batch i picked up/ I can't seem to find it in Krause, Thank's, ozzysdad


  • oldshepoldshep Posts: 3,240
    It seems to be Bulgarian 20 leva - but I'm not near my Krause to confirm.
  • Thank's Shep, I'll check image
  • ManMan Posts: 1,002
    Yeah, Shep is right it's 20 Leva from Bulgaria KM# 228.
  • shep's got it right...P is an r...E,same as ours... the upside down U is a p...then the funny looking B...upside down V is an l.....the backwards N is an i then KA for republika...across the bottom is Bulgaria what looks like an r is a hard g osund, and the backwards R is ya....the B in LEBA is a v.
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