LOL you guys are a riot __________________________________________________________________________________ i had them printed and by some older book guy who died about 10 years ago
i am glad i had a box left but i no longer paste them in my books as now i am selling and it is a poain in the ass to get them out of the books and it is easier just to leave the book alone and put no more bookplates in the books easier and simplier
many great bookmen here in western ny state and some are guys that do book resporation but well in the last ten years or so most have just gone out of biz disappeared retired went by the wayside etc.
Capped Bust Half Series
Capped Bust Half Dime Series
my bookplate is of a corpulant man reading with intent on a cheap folding table with stacks of empty cottage cheese containers around him
with the bottom of the plate printed
ex libris
the paper is 100% rag and the coloration on the bookplate is an antique pastel golden yellow
trite but true
Do you print your own plates, or have them printed for you?
Please post a pic of yours.
click to email me
ebay auctions for ronsrarecoin-com
i had them printed and by some older book guy who died about 10 years ago
i am glad i had a box left but i no longer paste them in my books as now i am selling and it is a poain in the ass to get them out of the books and it is easier just to leave the book alone and put no more bookplates in the books easier and simplier
many great bookmen here in western ny state and some are guys that do book resporation but well in the last ten years or so most have just gone out of biz disappeared retired went by the wayside etc.
and i do not have a scanner sorry
He gets a LanLord seal of approval.