Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

Mexican mumblings...

Howdy(or Ola ) Darksiders, in my continuing headlong plunge into the darkside I purchased
this lot for $300. The person who collected these coins is now deceased but put together mostly full sets. I have upgraded all my coins in my Type set and will sell the rest on the local bid board. Alot of BU un pesos in harder dates will pay for the investment and the rest is pure gravy( or mol'e ) I believe the dealer sold these so cheap is he felt most of the silver coins had PVC damage( no, he did not mention this fact!) when in fact it was bright green mold that just washed off.

The one coin that I really need for my collection is a VF 1917 five Centavo and it DOES have what appears to be PVC or sometype of plastic that looks like glue melted to it. What should I do to the coin? Is it worth sending it to NCS....



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