My very first autograph!
Posts: 340
About two months ago, my parents dumped a bunch of my things at our house. It was older things from the 70's and 80's...jackets, books. The usual stuff my mother, the pack rat, never threw out. I didn't really look at any of the items. Today, my wife and I are cleaning out the garage and throwing things away and I look in a box that's labeled cub scout stuff. There were a number of little league baseball caps that I had. I was going to toss them when I saw an autograph on one of the bills. It was from the lates 70's and obviously obtained when our L.L. coach brought us to a Cubs game. Jose Cardenal. Never remembered getting it or even knew I had it. This had to be the first auto in person I had ever obtained. The picture had to be resized, so it appears fuzzy when, in fact, it's perfect ball point pen.
Cheers! Wick
Cheers! Wick
Enjoy collecting vintage baseball cards, memorabilia and autos
Here's a pic from my yearbook
What a guy, he signed one for every kid in the school, maybe 250 to 300 autos, heh heh.
My second auto was Stompin Tom Conners
He hosted a father & Son banquet & autographed a paper plate for me. I have been a Ram fan since
thanks for sharing the hat auto.
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