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Biggest Athlete Brownnoser on ESPN: Stuart Scott or Dan LaBatard?

ndleondleo Posts: 4,150 ✭✭✭✭✭
I'm sure a lot of us here watch Sportscenter or read ESPN Magazine. While the hosts, features, and format change, the one constant is that Stu Scott or Dan LeBatard will always take the jocks side on any issue. Recently in ESPN Magazine, Stu states he doesn't believe Bonds used roids and LeBatard justified Bonds' roid use.

While I like different opinions, these two clown NEVER go against the athletes. I'm surprised that Stu didn't pull a Johnnie Cochran - "if the sp*rm don't fit, you must acquit" - during the Kobe case a few years ago.

Who should be the inagural Ahmad Rashad Jockstrap Sniffer Award?


  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    I'd have to go with Lebetard in a minute.

    He reminds me of that outsider who wanted desperately to fit in, to be in the 'cool' groups, so he'd do whatever it took to get there. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic. When he subs in on PTI, I don't watch it. He's just awful. He makes excuses for any and all athletes, and thinks he is a real friend of Ricky Williams. Sad.

    Scott on the other hand has a sincere enthusiasm for sports, and I get a feeling of sincerity from him. He may go over the top with his catch phrases, but I think he really is into it.

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