I bought a packers team signed 62 bears program and team signed 64 yearbook a couple weeks ago, the guy wrapped them in some paper towel crap that was full of smoke.
I had to put them in the garage till the smell goes away. ICK!
I agree... it is nasty receiving cards that smell like stale smoke. I leave them sitting out for a week to air out and the smell eventually goes away, but it is gross.
Smokers who smoke in their home and have children living at home with them often do not realize that is what their kids smell like at school every day. It's really a horrible habit that affects far more people than just the one doing the smoking. Not meaning to be offensive to any smokers here, but it's the truth - it stinks badly.
<< <i>I agree... it is nasty receiving cards that smell like stale smoke. I leave them sitting out for a week to air out and the smell eventually goes away, but it is gross.
Smokers who smoke in their home and have children living at home with them often do not realize that is what their kids smell like at school every day. It's really a horrible habit that affects far more people than just the one doing the smoking. Not meaning to be offensive to any smokers here, but it's the truth - it stinks badly. >>
Agreed 100%.
Just to answer the original question, yes, I've purchased cards before that arrived and smelled like smoke. It's hideously gross, and it almost seems pointless to put the cards in penny sleeves and then my album at that point...seems like I'll just be trapping the smoke in there.
Smokers suck. My mother-in-law, a 60 year old lady, just announced that she's going to try to "cut down" on her smoking and eventually quit. Great. She's been smoking for 35 years, including smoking through the pregnancies of her two children without thinking twice about quitting. Whether ignorance or selfishness, it's pathetic. Now she's going to quit? I'm too nice to say this, but it's like "hasn't the horse left the barn already?" Why stop now? Enjoy yourself now that you've ruined your lungs for 35 yrs and smoked while you were pregnant.
brian26, no offense, but that's a crappy attitude. It's never too late to quit, and if she wants to do so, you should be providing support and encouragement.
<< <i>brian26, no offense, but that's a crappy attitude. It's never too late to quit, and if she wants to do so, you should be providing support and encouragement. >>
I agree. My grandmother smoked for 53 years and quit in 1986. Shes 93 now and in pretty good health. When you're mother-in-law smoked during pregnancy, it wasn't known how bad cigarettes were as a whole, and let alone on an unborn child.
Take it easy on her, unless there are some other reasons you have this hostility towrd her.
My girlfriend works for the American Lung Association of NJ, and they were just able to pass the clean indoor air act to ban smoking in most indoor places including restaurants and bars.
Both the NJ Devils and minor league baseball Trenton Thunder have partnered with ALA-NJ, so maybe sports can be a good role model here, although the only population of smokers that is growing right now is teenage girls.
Not only do children of smokers smell like smoke, they are more likely to develop asthma.
I dont know, nor have I ever heard of anyone that ever smoked 12 Marlboros and then swerved in front of an on coming car while driving home............
Smoking is nasty to be certain, and I agree it shouldn't be allowed in public places, or where kids are in the home.
I think we want to be curtious for the most part, but there are lots of folks that feel they have a right to stink up the place, no matter where they are.
I'm a non-smoker who has worked on a close knit (very tight actually) trading floor for 20 years. I've never smoked, but after a few years in the business went for a check up and the doctor asked "When did I start smoking". Due to all the second-hand smoke I had the lung condition of a smoker! I asked the smokers if they would step off the floor when they wanted a cigarette. They told me off, and said if I didn't like it I should leave. I went to work the next day and set up a series of fans around me that blew the smoke back at the smokers. It didn't help much, but I refused to have to breathe another persons lung excrement. Fortunately we now have laws in NY where smoking is not permitted in public or work places, so the fans have come down Back to the thread. I have received cards that reek of smoke. I know the sellers don't mean it. They probably don't even realize it. I throw away the packing materials and let the cards air out for a few hours. That usually takes care of the problem.
<< <i>Am I the only one who gets very annoyed when the cards I have won on ebay arrive stinking from cigarettes? >>
It goes away after awhile. One of my major purchases was an entire 1955 Bowman graded set that came from someone who obviously smoked quite heavily. It eventually goes away.
Oh well
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
<< Am I the only one who gets very annoyed when the cards I have won on ebay arrive stinking from cigarettes? >>
I am with you 100%. I strongly dislike it. It's not as bad as a bent/damaged card but not too far off for me. I find it a rather disgusting habbit in general. Amazing smokers don't realize how offensive it is to non-smokers. I am sure vocal non-smokers are offensive to smokers as well... but oh well, life goes on... and longer for non-smokers.
In other countries people smoke everywhere, movie theathers, small restaurants, stores ...
Nobody looks at you the wrong way, complaints or makes any kind of deal over it.
Smoking its a bad habit but it mostly hurts the smokers, second hand smoke is blown way out of proportion ...spend half an hour near a busy avenue and you would be inhaling the same amount of gases you would if you spent a week near a smoker.
The hostility toward smokers is getting way out of hand. I dont think driving an SUV or owning a gun are wise ideas ...but i would not tell the people who drive hummers and own 10 rifles that they are idiots. I wouldnt care.
After all ...we wouldnt have the wonderful T-206 if it werent for smokers.
"Women should be obscene and not heard. " Groucho Marx
<< <i>In other countries people smoke everywhere, movie theathers, small restaurants, stores ...
Nobody looks at you the wrong way, complaints or makes any kind of deal over it. >>
Are you suggesting that North American non-smokers are just more uptight? In other countries, Big Tobacco isn't subject to strict controls on advertising, and the governments don't pump out anti-tobacco education the way they do in North America. It used to be that way here until the facts about the dangers of tobacco became common knowledge.
I get bothered more by two people in a restaraunt at the table next to me wearing a bottle of cologne each while dining then someone smoking a cigarette.........
I had to put them in the garage till the smell goes away. ICK!
<< <i>....r u sure it's cigarettes?
If it wasn't it would have cost another dime
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
Smokers who smoke in their home and have children living at home with them often do not realize that is what their kids smell like at school every day. It's really a horrible habit that affects far more people than just the one doing the smoking. Not meaning to be offensive to any smokers here, but it's the truth - it stinks badly.
<< <i>I agree... it is nasty receiving cards that smell like stale smoke. I leave them sitting out for a week to air out and the smell eventually goes away, but it is gross.
Smokers who smoke in their home and have children living at home with them often do not realize that is what their kids smell like at school every day. It's really a horrible habit that affects far more people than just the one doing the smoking. Not meaning to be offensive to any smokers here, but it's the truth - it stinks badly. >>
Agreed 100%.
Just to answer the original question, yes, I've purchased cards before that arrived and smelled like smoke. It's hideously gross, and it almost seems pointless to put the cards in penny sleeves and then my album at that point...seems like I'll just be trapping the smoke in there.
Smokers suck. My mother-in-law, a 60 year old lady, just announced that she's going to try to "cut down" on her smoking and eventually quit. Great. She's been smoking for 35 years, including smoking through the pregnancies of her two children without thinking twice about quitting. Whether ignorance or selfishness, it's pathetic. Now she's going to quit? I'm too nice to say this, but it's like "hasn't the horse left the barn already?" Why stop now? Enjoy yourself now that you've ruined your lungs for 35 yrs and smoked while you were pregnant.
I smoke, but not in the house so therefore not infront of my cards. Even being a smoker, I hate when I get cards that reek of smoke.
My Auctions
i have a special smoking area..
<< <i>brian26, no offense, but that's a crappy attitude. It's never too late to quit, and if she wants to do so, you should be providing support and encouragement. >>
I agree. My grandmother smoked for 53 years and quit in 1986. Shes 93 now and in pretty good health. When you're mother-in-law smoked during pregnancy, it wasn't known how bad cigarettes were as a whole, and let alone on an unborn child.
Take it easy on her, unless there are some other reasons you have this hostility towrd her.
My Auctions
<< <i>Eh, I'm sorry if I come off sounding hostile....it's just a selfish, disgusting habit. I am happy that she is trying to quit now. >>
That's cool of you. In any case, I'm sure one could come up with 1,000's of reasons to not like one's mother-in-law!!!!
Both the NJ Devils and minor league baseball Trenton Thunder have partnered with ALA-NJ, so maybe sports can be a good role model here, although the only population of smokers that is growing right now is teenage girls.
Not only do children of smokers smell like smoke, they are more likely to develop asthma.
Smoking is nasty to be certain, and I agree it shouldn't be allowed in public places, or where kids are in the home.
I think we want to be curtious for the most part, but there are lots of folks that feel they have a right to stink up the place, no matter where they are.
When it rains, and a heavy smoker comes into your office - the tobacco smell is overwhelming!
We have a xerox repair guy who I really like, but the smell is a killer!
Fortunately we now have laws in NY where smoking is not permitted in public or work places, so the fans have come down
Back to the thread. I have received cards that reek of smoke. I know the sellers don't mean it. They probably don't even realize it. I throw away the packing materials and let the cards air out for a few hours. That usually takes care of the problem.
Smoking is bad for you no question about it, but smokers will always make and argument of some sort.
<< <i>Am I the only one who gets very annoyed when the cards I have won on ebay arrive stinking from cigarettes? >>
It goes away after awhile. One of my major purchases was an entire 1955 Bowman graded set that came from someone who obviously smoked quite heavily. It eventually goes away.
Oh well
I am with you 100%. I strongly dislike it. It's not as bad as a bent/damaged card but not too far off for me. I find it a rather disgusting habbit in general. Amazing smokers don't realize how offensive it is to non-smokers. I am sure vocal non-smokers are offensive to smokers as well... but oh well, life goes on... and longer for non-smokers.
Nobody looks at you the wrong way, complaints or makes any kind of deal over it.
Smoking its a bad habit but it mostly hurts the smokers, second hand smoke is blown way out of proportion ...spend half an hour near a busy avenue and you would be inhaling the same amount of gases you would if you spent a week near a smoker.
The hostility toward smokers is getting way out of hand. I dont think driving an SUV or owning a gun are wise ideas ...but i would not tell the people who drive hummers and own 10 rifles that they are idiots. I wouldnt care.
After all ...we wouldnt have the wonderful T-206 if it werent for smokers.
Groucho Marx
<< <i>In other countries people smoke everywhere, movie theathers, small restaurants, stores ...
Nobody looks at you the wrong way, complaints or makes any kind of deal over it. >>
Are you suggesting that North American non-smokers are just more uptight? In other countries, Big Tobacco isn't subject to strict controls on advertising, and the governments don't pump out anti-tobacco education the way they do in North America. It used to be that way here until the facts about the dangers of tobacco became common knowledge.
<< <i>Amazing smokers don't realize how offensive it is to non-smokers. >>
i realize, and i dont care..
i dont smoke inside buildings, and if anybody is annoyed at smoking outdoors, they need to get a life and worry about some other things..
<< <i>
<< <i>Amazing smokers don't realize how offensive it is to non-smokers. >>
i realize, and i dont care..
i dont smoke inside buildings, and if anybody is annoyed at smoking outdoors, they need to get a life and worry about some other things.. >>
My Auctions
Like Steve Martin once said:
"You mind if I smoke?"
"Why, no. Do you mind if I fart?"