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Gold Standard Corp Gold

I have a set of gold coins minted in 1985 from Gold Standard Corp. The reverse has a cross and the obverse a likeness of Jesus Christ. There are 1oz.,.50oz.,.10oz,.05oz. coins. Where can I find a listing for this item? image


  • I'm not sure what you mean by a listing. You want a price on them? Kitco Gold Chart will give you the price per oz. And, welcome to the boards.

  • Thanks for the reply. I am looking for anyone else who has ever seen these coins and who might deal in odd things like this. Since the company ceased to exist in the early 1990's there is little to go on. I must admit I have not done much research. I would like to look somewhere for mintage and yes if there is any numismatic value for coins that were obviously minted as bullion in those days. The owner of the company was a hard money advocate that led a very colorful life.
  • DaveGDaveG Posts: 3,535
    Well, what you have aren't coins - they're bullion rounds.

    I don't really think there's much of a collector's market for them, so there probably wouldn't be any value to them beyond their bullion value.

    Check out the Southern Gold Society

  • DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭
    image I'd love to see them. Can you post a picture?
  • Who owned the company? He sounds like a neat story.


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