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Gold Eagle Question

With gold soaring through the roof, whats a good price to pay including shipping costs?? I havent paid more then $65 for each 1/10 ounce I have bought, and picked up a 1/4 oz for $150 shipped. I am just wondering if I continue to buy tonight, like I am planning, what would be a top dollar price to pay??


  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    I would guess less than you plan on selling them for image
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • Im not selling them. Im 21 years old, and so far, my business (boat restoraion) that I own here is booming. I would like to have around 10 ounces by the end of next year, but I always have a set price as a max to pay for the gold I do purchase. I am just wondering with gold on the rise, if its still possible to grab some coins at a decent price, and what the price should be.
  • ddbirdddbird Posts: 3,168 ✭✭✭
    Not too sure about the price, but I wouldnt touch gold with a 10-foot pole at the moment. Its had a great run, but all great runs fall. I expect you will see a fall shortly, or at least before it really takes off.

    Best bet is to buy smaller amounts over a period of time, that way when you buy high, and later low, it will balance itself out.

    Least thats what I would do.
  • Thats what I figured. Its soaring right now. I just thought about waiting until I can continue to get them for the usual $60 on the 1/10th and $150 on the 1/4 or less. That seems to be my top line price, but I wondered what others thought.
  • drwstr123drwstr123 Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just picked up a 1892 Eagle, ANACS MS61, for $315.00 and $15.00 shipping.

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