The most stupid things coin dealers say

How often have you made a fair market based offer to a dealer on a coin only to be told, "I can't let you have it for that because I paid more for it than you are offering." I have yet to hear a coin dealer being offered a coin say to the customer, "I need to know how much you paid for it so I can offer you more."
I have more in the coin than your offer" Really
is a polite way to tell you to take your offer and
and play Preperation-H with it.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I used to say, "Well just how much do you have in it, then?" Then I can reverse the roles and tell him he paid too much.
Any smart dealer who really was buried in a coin would cut his loses, he can take that against his gains come tax time.
The phrase that always get my goat is, "Problem Free"...... riiiiight, sure, then why does the slab say 63 on it?
John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff
Man walks into Coin Shop. looks around, not saying a word. Dealer says: "hi, you looking for anything in particular?"
Man says, " nah, just looking".
How stupid of dealer to say that. The dealer should have said: "We don't have what you are looking for, get out !"
<< <i>The most stupid things coin dealers say >>
"I'll pay 10 back of blue sheet"
I think the 'stupidest' thing a dealer can tell you is that they have no interest in buying back a coin they sold you (or offering credit on it toward a new purchase) at anywhere near the level that they charged you.
How many times would that have to happen to you before you'd decide that something is amiss in this client-dealer relationship?
<< <i>The most stupid things coin dealers say >>
"The junk basket is over there kid"
""We don't sell stuff for kids"
"Live long and prosper"
My "How I Started" columns
The problem is that I know that there are boxes on the shelves (in plain sight) that are full of moderns and proofs. The owner has let me look through them before several times. Now I have to time my next visit when the owner is there to let him know his employees are turning away business.
Random Collector
When trying to buy something: "Lets ius just see what the Grey sheet has it for." What is meant by US? The nut hides it as if it was a secret document.
What I've done for the fun of it is to bring a specific coin to a show and ask a few dealers what they would give for one if I see they have a similar one for sale. Then say, Oh no I don't want to sell it but I did want to buy another one. So how much is yours?
Are you implying that a dealer should buy someting for the same price as he's selling? Now that WOULD be pretty stupid.
or "Maybe it's time to go back to baseball cards"
or pogs. Now THAT was a goodie.
Freekin A**hole Dealer! See if I ever buy anymore $1.00 State Quarters from his sorry a**.