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US mint Proof coin capsules

I have a few US mint commem proof coins that are permanatly sealed/encapsulated in round plastic plastic holders. Im sure most know what I am talking about. If I want the coins graged by PCGS can I send the coin to them in the capsule for them to open or do I have to crack it myself? I have cracked a coin out of one of these capsules and it was pretty tough and i almost ruined the coin in the process. Is there an easier way to crack them out? I would prefer PCGS do it.


  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,491 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm pretty sure that you gotta do the cracking. That way, you cannot cry foul if a scratch shows up on your prized possession and it gets the bag!
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  • emzeeemzee Posts: 1,862 ✭✭✭
    I have always submitted proof eagle coins to PCGS in the mint-issued capsules - they will remove the coins. Place the capsule in a PCGS-approved flip.

  • There was a previous thread about this. What I remember is you just heat the capsule with a blow dryer the capsule opens easily.
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  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    You can submit the coins in the capsules and PCGS will take them out for free. NGC charges $1

    The only ones that are difficult are the 1976 3-coin 40% silver proof sets. Those are sealed.
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    since 8/1/6

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