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PCGS World Series of Coin Trading - a commodities crap shoot?

PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭
I think so. With bullion prices fluctuating wildly legitimate rare coin knowledge appears to be taking a back seat to commodities trading. image

Taking bullion coins out of the game would go a long way in maing it the world Series of Coin Trading rather than the World Series of Gold/Silver/Platinum trading.


  • I just took a long position and will sit--Gave up on the rare coins because they were all bought up!image
  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭

    I started with some rarities and neat old stuff. Up a few $thousand. It became obvious that bullion was a winner. The posting of the PCGS values lags the market so you can buy and sell bullion junk with almost no risk. Very sad situation for folks trying to utilize their numismatic knowledge. It's primarily a bullion game with the markets they way they presently are (and 2004-D Wisconsin Leaf errors if you got them early).

    Good game for commodities players, not so great for numismatics.
  • I AGREE. Also, I think the $1,000,000 is too high a starting point as too many participants want many of the same coins. Why not use $250,000 for the next round? and no bullion coins, including low grade Saints, etc. Rob
    Modern dollars are like children - before you know it they'll be all grown up.....

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