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Frederisksburg VA and Vienna VA shows

ad4400ad4400 Posts: 2,115 ✭✭✭✭✭
Both have shows coming up in April. How does Frederisksburg measure up to Vienna? Is it the same group of dealers, such that if one attends one there is no need to attend the other?


  • jdsinvajdsinva Posts: 1,508
    Barry Cicola (sp?) is putting on the Fredricksburg show. He put on a show here in Lynchburg and he was able to draw in dealers from all over VA & parts of NC. I suspect he probably does the same for all of his shows.


    Semper ubi sub ubi
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,356 ✭✭✭
    The Fredericksburg show is new (first time). I know some of the Vienna dealers will be there but am also aware of some dealers that will be attending that don't typically come to Vienna.

    I'll be at both shows. Frederick is this coming weekend and Vienna is at the end of the month.


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