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This guys doing pretty good selling his fake coins


  • As many times as this crap happens, you would think that ebay would force the seller to mention the word "COPY" in the header listing. I don't see how it can legally be listed as "coin" since it isn't one. Do you think if enough people complained that ebay would do something about it??
    can't get enough!!!
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    His shipping and handling charges are a profit center as well.

    He doesn't combine shipping on multiple wins. S/H is $6 per "tribute coin."

    Even after eBay fees and commission, postage, and supplies, he's likely sextupling his initial investment -- just from shipping and handling charges. He could sell them for $0.20 apiece and make money.

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