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Engelhard silver 10 oz bars

Possibly off-topic although coins can be made from them, but I was surprised to see Engelhard 10 oz. bars selling for so much of a premium on Ebay lately, like $130ish right now. It seems many of the direct bullion sellers are out of stock on the 10 oz. bars. I picked up a couple today at a local coin show for $110 each. Is demand drying up the supply of physical silver? Does this portend a big spike in prices soon?

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” — Benjamin Franklin

My icon IS my coin. It is a gem 1949 FBL Franklin.


  • I buddy has a setup in a local flea market. He bought 18 of the 10 oz. Englehard bars on Saturday for around $96.50 and has sold about half of them so far for $108.00. I would say that silver is still moving pretty well in our area.

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