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How about a seated half?

ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
This is a proof isn't it? What would it grade and what problems do you see besides the mirrors on the front? -Thanks!! -Dan





  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,043 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know whether or not it is a proof. Some of those later seated halves came prooflike as well. The arrow fletchings on the reverse look relatively mushy, which suggests business strike; also, the rims don't look as sharply squared as is usual for a proof. Finally, there are some actual dings, which isn't ordinarily characteristic of a proof -- most notably in the crook of Miss L.'s elbow, as well as what looks like it might be circulation rub on her leg, on the eagle's right knee, and in the wide obverse fields.

    The reverse is very pretty, but it looks to me like the obverse has been wiped pretty hard, maybe to the point one would call cleaning. From the pictures, I'm inclined to think of this as a pretty, albeit not entirely problem-free, choice AU coin.

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