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Found Two Coins Today

In doing yardswork and chores today I found two coins.

The first was when I was weeding the rose bed by the front walk. I spotted a round item, and picked up a dirt coated corroded coin. I think it is a Belgian Frank (no longer legal tender for commerce). I will need to clean it off.

Then I was trying trying to figure out which viscostity motor oil to use for the lawn mower. In my years of coin collecting, I only know of one coin I had lost. An MS65 78-D Ike dollar I bought from supercoin (I think). I knew I had received it, but could not find it a few weeks later. I did a lot of selling and wondered if I had shipped it in error, if it landed in the trach, or was stolen. Well, I opened my file drawer and flipped through the tools folder for warrenty/product manual information. I couldn't find the lawn mower one, so I had to pull all the content out of the file. I looked at the few smaller items that stayed behind, and noticed a slab. My 3 years lost Ike!
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