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Fort Smith Arkansas Coin Show update...60+ Tables...(no pics yet)

This was a nicely run and well organized show. I live about two hours away so my travel cost $30 in gas, or thereabouts.

I bought two proof sets in capitol plastics holders...one a 1950 and one a 1953. I bought both sets for the nickels, but especially the 1950. It has, by far, the FINEST Green and Red toned Jefferson I have ever seen, much less owned. This thing is a freak. It has 100% toning on both sides and no carbon - just Rainbow over Rainbow. I can't wait to get it slabbed.

I also bought a nice 100% Blue and Greenish-Gold reverse toned 83-cc GSA. It grades on a 62 but the eye appeal is in the reverse. Nice coin.

Also purchased was a wonderful MS raw 2 cent piece. Pretty albeit a bit subdued, greens and reds. It should grade out at better than gem I hope. No signs of (harsh) cleaning with a 10x.

I found an 1853 1/2 cent raw. It has really cool greens and some blues and reds. Looks original and semi-PL. I hope it grades but have no idea where. No signs of (harsh) cleaning with a 10x either.

Got a nice 1918 Lincoln NGC ms-64 BN for about 20 bucks...100% toned with attractive, dark blues and purples on the obverse.

I guess I was in a gambling mood and took a chance on a super looking NTC Morgan in MS-67 (yeah, right). The toning could go either way but the transition of the colors looks good and consistent with album target toning. Colors are a bit suspect but I have seen them once or twice before. If it crosses, it will be a big winner.

Finally, bought a raw 1911 Lincoln Rainbow obverse...looks like a 64. It has electric hunter green rainbow arch on about 1/3 of the obverse...I am a bit concerned about the shape of the arch, as it is not completely smooth as the green transitions into a small red arch.

It was a fun show. Once I get pics taken, I will try to post some. Thanks for reading.


Visit my eBay Store to see my (mostly) overpriced Rainbow Toned PCGS/NGC coins! IshopCoinShows4You


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