Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

1K Posts Giveaway (Winner Steve27!!)

I would like to thank the people of these boards for all the information and help they have provided me over the last year. I never thought
I would have involed myself in the hobby as much as I have over the last year and a half. This is an amazing hobby, and hearing what others
share about their collecting intrests, sparks creative ideas for my own collection. Thank you all.

I encourage everyone to enter the give-away. The give away will end some time over the weekend. In order to win, you must pick closest to
the date of the coin I will be giving away. Thats it! Some hints to help you: 1. The coin is about the size of a silver dollar. 2. It is dated in the 1800s. Just guess what you think the date is and we will go from there. In case of a tie, the first person to guess the date will win the original coin, but will also give the runner up something as well. Thanks and good luck!-Al
Collecting cleaned, scratched, scraped, AT and ugly POS coins for over 2 years now!


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