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eBay coupon for $3.47 off shipping...

HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭
Click through, use your paypal account and use eBay coupon CPPEBAY03 to get $3.47 off shipping costs. eBay coupons usually work for some but not for most. This one seems to be targeted at "lapsed buyers" so hopefully it will work for most users. Expires: 3/27/2006



  • << <i>Click through, use your paypal account and use eBay coupon CPPEBAY03 to get $3.47 off shipping costs. eBay coupons usually work for some but not for most. This one seems to be targeted at "lapsed buyers" so hopefully it will work for most users. Expires: 3/27/2006

    Hayden >>

    It worked for me!!image

    Strange thing, is it seems to be for "Ebay Australia Lapsed Buyers". I bought one item from Australia a long time ago, so I wonder if that made me eligible for the discount.
  • ttt

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