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Erie Canal, Tid bit of history came in the mail today ;

DUIGUYDUIGUY Posts: 7,252 ✭✭✭
HK # 1 ,commemorateing the completion of the Erie canal ;


Medal issued by Common Council, City of New York ; designed by Archibald Robertson ; engraved by Charles Cushing Wright, "first die sinker in the country " ; struck by Maltby Pedetreau.
Erie Canal Commision created 1810 by N.Y. Legislature ; DeWitt Clinton , later Governor , served as member 10 years without pay. Ground broken July 4, 1817 at Rome, N.Y. Over 8 years and $7,000,000 later, Canal stretched 364 miles, from Hudson River to Lake Erie; 83 locks required. Costliest, most successful project yet undertaken in the New World .
Originally dubbed " Clinton's Folly " by many,Canal proved one of the main factors in our national development by directly opening the West to agriculture; reduced freight cost and time. Albany to Buffalo, from $100 per ton and 45 days (by wagon) to $5.00 in 6 days;passengers paid 5 cents per mile, including 3 meals daily. By 1836, tolls had paid off entire cost; made New York City the first seaport in U.S, passing Philadelphia. Now part of the N.Y. Barge Canal System.
Formal opening was Oct. 26, 1825 with vessal Seneca Chief carrying Govenor Clinton departing Buffalo; arrived N.Y.C. Nov. 4. Fifty-one gold medals struck; presented to "crowned heads of world and eminent men" including General Lafayette and 3 surviving signers of the Declaration of Independance. " Several hundred " pieces struck in Silver and White Metal (pewter); presented to guests and officials .


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly."

- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC


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