OK Mr Jewell, its time for you to delete the coins you sold at ANR from the Registry
Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
Wake up! Wake up! YOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I would like to add the commems that USED to be in your set to my set! Thank you----------------BigE
I'm glad I am a Tree
<< <i>5 days since this guy sold his set at ANR, any guesses as to how long its still going to be listed?. I bet no one has the cert numbers on the coins they bought yet--------------BigE >>
I just got the coins in the mail today and unable to add those coins to my set. I guess I will have the coins remove by the hard way.
<< <i>I already did, it's like that skit on Saturday Night Live about the friend that would never leave---------BigE >>
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Send the email and they will clear it up for you especially if you provide proof that you have the coin in your possession.
The name is LEE!
I've never had a problem.