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Speaking of TrueView pics, why don't they put the grade on the image?


  • dizzyfoxxdizzyfoxx Posts: 9,823 ✭✭✭
    image...There's always time for coin collecting. image
  • TonedCoinTraderTonedCoinTrader Posts: 2,765 ✭✭✭
    They take the pic before grading I believe.


    Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
  • TommyTypeTommyType Posts: 4,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had the same question.....

    But I considered this as a possibility: Since a coin CAN be resubmitted for regrade, and the serial number wouldn't change, they don't want the picture to be a permanant record of a mis-graded coin?
    Easily distracted Type Collector
  • DOsn't the serial # change on a regrade ?
  • Yes, serial numbers change on "regrades".
  • ram1946ram1946 Posts: 762 ✭✭
    The coin is imaged before being sent to grading. It is quite possible the coin could be BB'd but still be imaged.

  • << <i>They take the pic before grading I believe.

    Scott >>

    I received a picture of a coin I submitted and then 2 days later got a notice the grade was ready. DAMAGED. So, now I have a really nice picture of the coin though.

  • But ?

    What if the coin is only sent for Tru View ?
  • ram1946ram1946 Posts: 762 ✭✭
    I don't believe you can submit a raw coin for imaging without requesting a grading tier.
  • Sorry !

    Already in a PCGS holder and sent for Tru-View ™ only !

    Course Phil likely gets em raw anyway
  • ram1946ram1946 Posts: 762 ✭✭
    They will remove the coin from the PCGS holder, image the coin and put it back ina new holder, all without evaluation of the grade or condition. There is no Tru View only option. The minimal service is Reholder ($5) and TruView ($5).

  • << <i>They will remove the coin from the PCGS holder, image the coin and put it back ina new holder, all without evaluation of the grade or condition. There is no Tru View only option. The minimal service is Reholder ($5) and TruView ($5). >>

    Yep, that's what I did.

  • TonedCoinTraderTonedCoinTrader Posts: 2,765 ✭✭✭
    "I received a picture of a coin I submitted and then 2 days later got a notice the grade was ready. DAMAGED. So, now I have a really nice picture of the coin though.



    Are you saying that they Damaged the coin after taking the pic? or that they bagged it after taking the pic for Damage???


    Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com

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