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Old coins turned in to bank leads to arrests

A bank employee's quick thinking helped police catch three Crystal Lake males who were charged Friday with possession of heroin.

Kevin T. Maloney, 19, of 858 N. Hampton Drive, and Anthony J. Howard, 17, of 1606 Penny Lane, were charged with possession of heroin. Daniel K. White, 21, of 1528 Candlewood Drive, was charged with possession of heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Algonquin Deputy Chief Ed Urban said the men, who were also charged with burglary by Crystal Lake police, attempted to cash stolen coins at the Great Bank in Algonquin, 234 S. Randall Road.

"These were old coins," Urban said. "It was very noticeable that they weren't in circulation."

The age and number of coins were a red flag for bank officials, who told the men they needed extra time to process their request and asked them to come back in a couple of hours.

In the meantime, a bank employee notified the Algonquin Police Department of the suspicious incident. Once the men returned, police apprehended the three in a traffic stop after they left the bank.

Through investigations, police determined the men were linked to a recent burglary out of Crystal Lake where the coins were stolen, and that they had heroin in their possession. Police recovered the cash received in exchange for the coins.


  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    << <i>Police recovered the cash received in exchange for the coins. >>

    The heck with the cash, were the COINS recovered?

    Yes sir, we caught the guys that stole your complete Morgan dollar collection when they deposited it at the bank. Here's the cash they got for it, $128, the face value.
  • GemineyeGemineye Posts: 5,374

    << <i>. Here's the cash they got for it, $128, the face value. >>


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