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thanks to billzach for the great amazingly carved "mughead" hobo nickel

i received today from billzack my prize from a contest bill had on here

this hand carved buffalo nickel is simply superb in its execution and styleimage

with a certificate of authenticy and also with the signed inital and numbering on the edge of the creation which i thought was really cool for future collectors to know the who where how what to always verify the carver

take a look see for yourself this artist


i also saw there was a strong collector society and much spirited competition to create some of the most beautiful art on these new hobosimage

the future great carvers of tomorrow today

i received from billzach his carving of "mughead" carving #325 carved feb 2006 signed and numbered on the edge by billzachimage

wish i could show a photo but the carving is so good handcarved and well designed and made that it looks like it is a struck from a die into the planchet.......it is so well done

carved from an original 1937 philly mint buffalo nickel a nice choice xf-au coin

thanks for one of the best prize contests on these here pcgs boards billzackimage


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