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Should I throw my bourse scouring plan out the window and just go with the flow?

LongacreLongacre Posts: 16,717 ✭✭✭
I tend to be a little predictable by nature, and I like to plan things out. When I saw that the list of dealers for the Baltimore show was posted, I dutifully printed it off and circled the dealers that I wanted to visit. I further broke the list down among dealers who deal in certain types of coins that I want to view. I also made notes next to certain dealers names who I probably won't buy from, but just want to meet and introduce myself. My list is now properly annotated and cross referenced. I don't know if I will have time, but I might figure out which dealers are close to each other (by table number) and come up with an order of which dealers to visit.

In shows in the past, I have not done such planning, and I found that I wandered aimlessly all over the bourse, bumping into the crowds, getting slapped in the face with the pungent odors of particular dealers, and therefore, not accomplishing much. When going to a large show, do you ever have a plan, or do you just go with the flow, even if you don't see all of the dealers you expected to see?
Always took candy from strangers
Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)


  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,062 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I usually find out where the top 5 dealers in my area of interest are, hit them first. Once that's done I just start at table 1 and work my way to the end.
  • RedTigerRedTiger Posts: 5,608
    I always go with a plan. I have a list of favorite dealers. I have an "A" list of top priority coins and a "B" list. The "C" list is if I don't find the top items and have time for thing like binders or junk boxes looking for low cost but interesting items. It is a lot easier to "find" stuff if I go in knowing what I am looking for, and from which dealers. A big show can be overwhelming.

    For first time show attendees, I suggest making a quick tour of the entire bourse and just write down booth numbers that seem to be of interest. I suggest going with a "cheat sheet" on an index card or small slip(s) of paper, with dates, grades, prices. That way, I can quickly refer to that instead of pulling out a more comprehensive pricing guide.
  • I usually have 2-3 dealers that I go to directly (since it takes me an hr or more to closely examine the inventory in a particular series), I then have a snack and then I check-out as many tables as I can, however... after a few hrs, I'm usually exhausted. I find if I don't do this, I tend to get distracted on "pretty things".

    ~g image
    I listen to your voice like it was music, [ y o u ' r e ] the song I want to know.


    I'd give you the world, just because...

    Speak to me of loved ones, favorite places and things, loves lost and gained, tears shed for joy and sorrow, of when I see the sparkle in your eye ...
    and the blackness when the dream dies, of lovers, fools, adventurers and kings while I sip my wine and contemplate the Chi.
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    It's annotated and cross-referenced, but do you have a bibliography?
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  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,718 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I walk the floor once, make notes on things that interest me.

    Walk the floor a second time, stop and spend time at those locations where I had made notes, by this time I have complete sensory overload.

    Sometimes I see so many things I want, I end up not buying anythingimage
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do not plan, but if I did, I would make a list of dealers (with their table numbers) to see with no more than a dozen names. Then, I would try to hit these dealers first, fully knowing that many will be busy on my first pass through, I will get distracted by a forum member or a modern "pop top", I will get hungry, bored, tec. Just make sure by the end of the show that you have been to see your short list of dealers.
  • chabot510chabot510 Posts: 1,291
    I wouldn'y limit your time just to a few certain dealers. You never know what can be found in another dealer's case.
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    When I get there, I look through the program and circle dealers I don't want to miss. Then, I just go up and down the aisles starting at one side of the room (skipping the darkside and supplies rows), usually at a pretty good clip. When I see a table that's mostly Morgans (being a dime guy, it stands out) or mostly third-tier slabs, I don't even stop and look. If, when I'm done, I somehow managed to miss one of those circled, I go back. Problem with a large show like this is it's not too difficult to get distracted or turned around and walk down the same aisle more than once...

    Don't forget to bring your pocket tape recorder, so you can annotate your experiences, in preparation for the show report you'll be writing on your laptop on the plane going home.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't forget to bring your pocket tape recorder, so you can annotate your experiences, in preparation for the show report you'll be writing on your laptop on the plane going home.

    Excellent point. With all this preparation, I am expecting the mother of all show reports. Better get GE's voice recognition transription division involved.
  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    i say walk the bourse looking and studying every half eagle you see.
    keeping notes of which dealers and their email addresses.
    then come back here to the forum and give a big report to all us folks.

    yea, that is what i would do. image

    btw ryk fatman longacre.. i msg'd coinguy1. lets see if he has time
    to swing by...

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's usually important for me to get there first so I try to hit high priority tables
    in an order that will get me there first without wasting too much time at tables
    where there will be a lot of competition to be first.

    I go around the bourse only twice so if a dealer's busy both times I'll probably
    miss him.
    Tempus fugit.

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