Are Cardsaver I's viable for long-term storage?

Just worried about nicking corners when using the penny sleeves and toploaders, does anyone here use Card Saver I's only? Also, as a secondary question, if you do use them, how do store all of those CardSavers? Thanks
I have them stored both ways. The cardsavers are two rowed boxes with covers.
On the long term storage?
I've had cards in both for almost 20 yrs. without any problem so far.
Now, cards in 800 count boxes w/o penny sleeves? I haven't checked all of them.
But, the 1992 UD e.g., are doing just fine.
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
JDouglas, Putting cards in penny sleeves can be real easy. Just take a pen and insert it in the penny sleeve. Hold the penny sleeve with one hand and pull the pen to the side of the sleeve. What this does is stretch the sleeve and it makes the gap larger. You can do the other side if you wish but its not necessary. Just put the card in the smaller side first and the larger gap on the other side will let the card go in un-touched. I do it all the time and never snag my corners.
1994 Pro Line Live
Yes, same here. Along with the scratches on the holders which doesn't do much for eye appeal, some of mine were turning kinda yellow. At least all my cards did have penny sleeves with them and there is no damage to them. Eventually I do replace the card savers little by little.