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2006-D Return to Monticello Nickel NGC Giveaway - Winner Announced

The grades I got are

006  2006  MS  65   6FS 

007  2006  MS  66  

008  2006  MS  65   6FS 

009  2006  MS  65   5FS 

010  2006  MS  64   6FS 

011  2006  MS  66   5FS 

So the Winner is MrSpud
MS64 6FS
MS66 5FS

I submitted 6 2006-D Return to Monticello Nickels to NGC in my last order from a US Mint roll I opened.

I'll give the Lowest graded one to the first person who guess what the lowest AND Highest grade AND FS Deisgnations I received from NGC.
Three hints -
1) The lowest and/or highest grades may or may not have the FS designation and NGC does count the number of steps for FS
2) None were AU-58's
3) Even though I did receive one without any FS designation it was not the highest nor the lowest, so both high/low will have xFS (4,5 or 6)

To enter, just reply with your two grade guesses.

First person to guess both highest and lowest grades wins the lowest graded coin image

Keep in mind that NGC counts the number of steps. So if you think the highest is a MS69 with six full steps image and the lowest is MS63 with 4 FS

MS63 4FS
MS69 6FS

Also, to make this more complicated than it should be, the highest graded coin will be the grade as oppossed to the designation. So for example if I have an MS63 6FS and a MS64 5FS, the MS64 5FS will be declared the highest (even though a 6FS in a lower grade might be worth more) Whew.

Pick from these choices:
MS61 4FS
MS61 5FS
MS61 6FS
MS62 4FS
MS62 5FS
MS62 6FS
MS63 4FS
MS63 5FS
MS63 6FS
MS64 4FS
MS64 5FS
MS64 6FS
MS65 4FS
MS65 5FS
MS65 6FS
MS66 4FS
MS66 5FS
MS66 6FS
MS67 4FS
MS67 5FS
MS67 6FS
MS68 4FS
MS68 5FS
MS68 6FS
My posts viewed image times
since 8/1/6


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