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Great book for Newbies and other casual collectors

Yesterday, I spent the whole day reading. I bought this book a while back and hadn't really looked at. It's called
OFFICIAL GUIDE TO COIN GRADING AND COUNTERFEIT DETECTION. Introduction by Q. David Bowers and Edited by Scott A. Travers, PCGS, 1987. It details step by step how the grading is done, what they look for, and how they end up with a number. In the center there are 48 pages of color illustrations demonstrating where to look for wear on every type of coin to distinguish circulated from uncirculated. It has one chapter for each type of coin, offering full discussion of known problems, what to look for, some of the varieties. And a full chapter on "Doctored coins". I really learned alot reading this book.

One point of interest: I don't know if PCGS still does it this way but it says the grader is handed a box of coins to grade and the only coins in that box are from the same invoice. In other words, if I submit under my Collector's Club benefits, all my stuff stays together and are done by the same grader. I wonder if they bb one that they get more suspicious about the rest of your stuff.
image Scottish Fold Gold


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