2006 Kennedy 50c Business strike first impressions/notes
Posts: 8,066 ✭✭✭✭✭
As per usual I post my first impressions of business strike coins each year. I've now been through a couple of thousand Kennedy halves and find 2006 to be very similar to 2005. Overall thus far the Philly coins look better than last year but the first strike coins have traditionally been better from the "P" mint. Many of the "D" coins were "struck thru" something initially. The D plantchets include some very high quality prooflike/mirrorlike examples but unfortunetely were beat up in the minting process. Overall I expect very few GEMS again this year. Chris
Overall rather mediocre quality.
Thanks for the reports.
It will be interesting to hear how they look in the mint sets.
Best of luck to you
Aerospace Structures Engineer
If I should ask this in a new thread I will.
You can buy a bag of either / or from the mint, or a bag with half from each mint. Or you can buy rolls from the mint from each branch.
Jay, 32nd degree