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I received my PSE submission kit today

The grading guide pamphlet that PSE has put together is superp! Easy to read and only 16 pages front and back. There is also the Stamp Market Quarterly that they included. I was also impressed with the "PSE Guarantee" I'm ready to get the show on the road Daddy-0!!



  • 'Cause I'm fairly new to stamp collecting lingo stuff, may I ask, what is a PSE submission kit?
  • Wow birdies, what a avatar. And welcome here. Just in case you don't know what PSE stands for it stands for

    Professional Stamp Experts. They grade stamps. Do you know anything about grading stamps?

    Anyway, when you see this look up at the top of the page to the right.

    Do you see Quick Links: PCGS l PSA l PSE l GRT l PSA/DNA l CU ? click on PSE. There you will see a place to click for the submission kit. Basically it's just info and the form and instructions to fill it out for when you send in stamps to be graded.

    Have you ever seen a stamp in a PSE holder? They are pretty impressive.


    edited to add: Stamp Alarm is coming soon.
  • I obviously have much to learn, I had no idea in fact. Who'da thunk stamp collecting was this involved!
    That aside, it makes perfect sense after reading through it. That type of grading has been used in almost every
    other collectible.

    I get the impression however that this is only being applied to US stamps, or did I read wrong?
    I'll keep reading, much more to learn.
  • I like your avatar, welcome to the board. I also learned something from this thread. image
  • ......applied to only to US stamps meaning not world stamps? I never thought about that.

  • dougwtxdougwtx Posts: 566 ✭✭

    Did you ever submit anything since getting your kit? If so, would you mind sharing your grades/certs? Curious minds want to know.

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