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Interesting Surfaces on This 1883-P Morgan Dollar A Bad Case of Acne! - Large Pictures

Go ahead and assign a grade if you like. At first glance, and without a loupe, she looks fine.


But look a little closer. There appears to be tiny little raised pimples on the raised portions of the central areas of both sides of the coin. Sorry about the load time. What are your thoughts about this coin? At first glance, I thought someone may have tried to clean up the cheek until I noticed that the bumps are raised and not incuse and they don't appear in the contact mark in the hair over the ear. It appears like it might be rusted dies but this is pretty severe. What do you think? A lame artificial frosting attempt? A botched attempt to clean up the high points? Or simply heavily rusted dies?

Brandon Kelley - ANA - 972.746.9193 - http://www.bestofyesterdaycollectibles.com


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