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EG FECIT 1776 Continental Dollar - Discussion

Just a few rambling thoughts that occurred to me that I wouldn't mind having some feedback on from the group. I happen to love the Continental Dollar. It is my favorite rare coin. Apparently, it is also many other peoples as evidenced by its meteoric rise in price the last few years. I expect that the mentioning in the 100 TOP U.S. COIN book helped, and now the featuring of it in the Smithsonian exhibit.

I find it exciting that the new BENJAMIN FRANKLIN commeorative silver dollar features the Continental $1 on its reverse. What I found even more interesting is the choice of the EG FECIT variety being chosen as the one to use. Anyone know how that was determined? I believe that besides the Continental dollars themselves, this will be the first official issuance depicting the Continental dollar. G-d knows there are literally hundreds of copies, private issues, etc. but I think this is the only official issue.

This leads me now to wonder whether the selection of the EG FECIT variety will further make this particular variety the preferred Continental Dollar? I checked the PCGS pop report and found that there are only 42 EG FECIT Continental Dollars in ALL GRADES. That isn't alot.

Who knows how many NGC's there might be, but I expect not many, if any. ANY THOUGHTS OR OPINIONS?


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