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Got some grades back. CC Submission.

This is the submition from my CC membership.

Sort of mixed feeling this go around. A couple were up from what I thought they would be and a couple were down.

1 xxxxxxxx 1909 VDB 1C USA MS64RD -- Thought this might be a RB. Was in my 7070 for a long time
2 xxxxxxxx 1883 5C No CENTS USA MS60 -- AU55-AU58 -- MS60 seems odd for this one.
3 xxxxxxxx 1883 5C With CENTS USA AU55 -- AU55-AU58
4 xxxxxxxx 1938-D 5C Buffalo USA MS66 -- Figured 66, was a nicely toned twin to a 1913 ty1 I submitted last year
5 xxxxxxxx 1944-S 5C USA MS65 -- Thought it had a shot at FS. Another former resident of my 7070
6 xxxxxxxx 1943 25C USA MS65 -- VERY disappointing. Not a mark on it. Maybe needed a stronger strike.
7 xxxxxxxx 1976-S 50C Silver USA MS65 -- IMHO clean with nice golden pantina color. Thought atleast a 66+
8 xxxxxxxx 1976-S $1 Silver USA MS66 -- IMHO clean with nice golden pantina color. Thought atleast a shot at 67

On a positive note, no BB's this time. I guess I learned something from last time.
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