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Found my first error coin!

I was thumbing through my pocket change this morning and ran accross a 1985 lincoln cent tht didn't look quite right. It appeared to have an off center strike most noticeable accross the "in god we trust on the obverse and there is an area of weak strike above the memorial on the reverse. I've never found an error before, is this worth more than a cent or is it just a nice curiousity?

lincoln cent error image
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  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    I don't see anything that's in error...

    The ridge line running through IGWT is die wear. The weakness on the reverse is completely normal. It's opposite where the shoulder is on the other side and often didn't receive enough pressure to fill the cavities on both sides.
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
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  • richbeatrichbeat Posts: 2,288
    Looks like a slight misaligned die, but certainly not off center. A curiosity. image
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  • errormavenerrormaven Posts: 1,168 ✭✭✭
    The low, curved ridge that runs through IGWT and that lies parallel to the design rim is what Eric Von Klinger calls a "ridge ring". It is a manifestation of die fatigue most commonly found on copper-plated zinc cents. The weakness on the reverse is common and is due to the presence of the base of Lincoln's bust on the opposite face. Metal sometimes has a difficult time filling all of the recesses of the die in this area.
    Mike Diamond is an error coin writer and researcher. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those held by any organization I am a member of.

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