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3/1/2006 - CSNS ballots are in the mail!

3/1/2006 - CSNS ballots are in the mail.

Ballots for the Central States Numismatic Society election are in the mail, and I just got mine this morning. If you're a member and curious on how to vote, the instructions from the ballot are as follows:

This is your 2006 CSNS election ballot. To be eligible for counting, it must be returned in the enclosed envelope, postmarked no later than April 10, 2006. Only one ballot per envelope. You can vote for one candidate each from the offices of President and Vice President. You may vote for no more than 10 candidates for governor. If you vote for more than 10 candidates, none of those votes for governor will be counted. You may vote for no more than two candidates for governor from any one state. Note there are three candidates from Illinois. If you vote for all three candidates from Illinois, those three votes will not be counted. Candidates are listed in the order they accepted nomination.

The candidates are listed in the latest edition of the Centinel (with some words from the candidates) and also available online at www.centralstates.info - click on the link for the elections.

When you receive your ballot, please vote for the candidate of your choice. There are good people running on this board and they really deserve you vote.
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