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15 *New* TOP 100 Morgan dollar varieties

Within the last 3 years there has been a great many clashed Morgan dollar varieties that have been discovered. In 2002 roughly 25 clashed Morgan dollars were known to exist. As of today there are over 175!! Among these discoveries have been 15 NEW varieties that were previously UNKNOWN to exist that have been found among TOP 100 varieties.

You might ask, "How can a variety be 'NEW' if it is already a known TOP 100 coin?"
Simply put, its an entirely different die state that has enought clashed details to make it a seperate variety. Much in the same way the clashed "E" reverse on the 1891 O VAM 1A sets it apart from the 1891 O VAM 1, these new clashed die states set them apart from their 'parent' VAM's.

The list of the newly discovered TOP 100 VAM's is as follows.

1878 P VAM 9A
1878 P VAM 41B
1878 P VAM 44A
1878 P VAM 203A
1880 O VAM 6A
1880 O VAM 6B
1880 O VAM 6C
1886 P VAM 1A1
1887 P VAM 12A
1887 O VAM 22B
1888 P VAM 11A
1891 P VAM 2B
1900 O VAM 8B
1900 O VAM 10A
1900 O VAM 15A

Each of these varieties were unpublished in a clashed die state at the time the TOP 100 book was released. Many of these examples have EXTRAORDINARY amounts of clashed details on them. It is my opinion that the reason a great many of these coins are rare is that the clashing damaged the dies to the point that very few examples could be struck. There are notable exections to this general rule as there appears to be as many clashed examples of the 1887 P VAM 12A as there is of the unclashed 1887 P VAM 12. However, bear in mind the clashing on the 1887 P VAM 12A is rather minor with very little in the way of clashed details. The stronger the clashed details the higher the likelyhood of damage to the dies and a shorter production run.

I believe once collectors realize the link between clashing and potential rartiy, more collectors will start paying attention to clashing and start looking for these coins. IMHO

Thoughts or comments are welcome.

Mark Kimpton



  • DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭
    Pictures!! We need picturesimageimage

    I love clashes, sometimes the little details hiding on the coin are fantastic. I have been facinated by them ever since the first time I noticed one. It was one of those "oooooh" moments.

    Did I mention we like pictures?image
  • No clashed die 1921 Morgans image

    But LOTS of new clashed die attributions and pictures at www.Ashmore.com image

    Would this possibly be some clashed letters on this 1921D VAM1i? I didn't see anything listed anywhere.

    (The lighting makes some of the clashings a little hard to pick up)

    p.s. I like your new book!! image


    If I only had a dollar for every VAM I have...err...nevermind...I do!! image

    My "Fun With 21D" Die State Collection - QX5 Pics Attached
    Proud Owner of
    2 –DAMMIT BOY!!! ® Awards
  • Mark,
    Fortunately, I have two of the 15. The 1887-O VAM-22B and the 1900-O VAM-15A. Its interesting to note how many of the clashes are from New Orleans.
    Proud recipient of the coveted "YOU SUCK!" Award, 6/03/07, 2/03/08, and 10/27/08.
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Cool. I have four of them (1887 VAM 12A; 1891 VAM 2B; 1888 VAM 11A; and 1900 VAM 15A). Yes, your new book is good.
  • <center>
    <a href="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e376/markkimpton/1878PVAM44AclashedM.jpg" target="_blank">
    <img src="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e376/markkimpton/th_1878PVAM44AclashedM.jpg"></a>

    My first attempt to add a photo to the site.

    This is the tripled cotton bolls of the 1878 P VAM 44. A well known and very popular TOP 100 variety.
  • OK,

    so the photo did not come thru. I will try again later. Have to get back to work.

    I have multiple photos for each of the NEW TOP 100 varieties. Would love to post them here. I have appreciated the help and suggestions on how to get the photos posted here at the site. Learning my way around the computer.

  • image

    Lets try this again
  • image

    This is the photo of the 1878 P VAM 44 tripled cotton bolls. This is the classic detail that makes the VAM 44 so well known
  • image

    This is the 7/8TF design that can be found on the 1878 P VAM 44. This 7/8TF design is shared with the VAM 33. Interesting to note that the same 7/8TF design is shared by the VAM 44, which is quite rare, and the VAM 33, which is quite common.

    While the VAM 44 has the tripled cotton bolls and the 7/8TF reverse, the VAM 44A shares these characteristics but ADDS FURTHER DETAILS .

    It also has a clashed n, st, and M on the reverse.

    The n, st are from the reverse motto "In God We Trust" being found clashed onto the obverse of the coin.
    The M is from the designers initial being found clashed onto the reverse of the coin above the 'd' of GOD on the reverse.
  • image

    These are photos from a 1878 P VAM 44A. The 44A has the detail of the tripled cotton boll as well as the 7/8TF design, but adds to that the clashed n,st, and M!

  • << <i>Mark,
    Fortunately, I have two of the 15. The 1887-O VAM-22B and the 1900-O VAM-15A. Its interesting to note how many of the clashes are from New Orleans.
    Bud >>

    I agree, I find it very interesting that a great many clashed varieties were produced from New Orleans. Makes you wonder what the factors were that allowed for so many errors.

  • << <i>I agree, I find it very interesting that a great many clashed varieties were produced from New Orleans. Makes you wonder what the factors were that allowed for so many errors. >>

    Alcohol. image
  • slipgateslipgate Posts: 2,301 ✭✭
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